Hellenic Aerospace Industry is committed to support the United Nations Global Compact principles. The company bases its operation on a series of values that respect the 10 principles and provide the necessary grounds for embedding their essence in everyday business practice.
HAI acknowledges that the recognition of the inherent dignity and of the equal and inalienable rights of all members of human society is the foundation of freedom, justice and peace in the world. The company is committed to upholding the United Nations’ Universal Declaration of Human Rights. In this context, HAI:
- Complies with the relevant Greek legislation
- Has created and follows a Personnel Working Regulation and a Code of Ethics and Business Conduct. Both texts set the framework through which the company ensures respect to individual and its rights.
- Takes corporate responsibility initiatives with regard to society, aiming at covering basic social needs (e.g. in local community, the Company supports the Social Grocery store of Municipality of Tanagra and offers free meals on a daily basis to unemployed citizens and families in need.
- Has a plant medical unit and offers medical care services and free health care tests.
- Organizes blood donations and has created a blood bank in national child hospital helping its employees but also a great number of children suffering from Mediterranean anemia.
- Complies with safety policies aiming at ensuring health and safety of employees which keeps informed on relevant issues.
- Organizes and implements educational/training programs and seminar courses thus offering the opportunity and encouraging career progress and personal development.
- Welcomes to its premises students from all educational levels providing useful information on its field of business and thus contributing to their professional orientation. In parallel, the company accepts internships.
HAI acknowledges that companies can and must play an important and positive role by taking on board principles contained in international labour standards. The Global Compact indeed incorporates the most vital ones, including those that are considered to be human rights principles. HAI commits itself to doing business on the basis of respect to UN labour principles and therefore the company:
- Complies with the Greek legislation that, among other:
- forbids all forms of forced and compulsory labour as well as child labour
- provides for the formation of trade unions. In HAI, there is a well-organized union that is informed by the Management for all important company issues aiming at an open, frequent and positive communication.
- Bases its hiring policy on ASEP procedure. ASEP is the Supreme Council for Personnel Selection, an independent commission, not subject to government control, which is tasked with the selection of personnel for work in the Greek public sector. It is supervised by the Ministry of Administrative Reform and e-Governance. In this way, the company ensures that hiring procedure is characterized by openness and impartiality and all candidates and employees are treated equally. Morevover, HAI –with respect to relevant legislation- hires to a certain rate individuals with disabilities, giving everyone the chance to employment and personal development.
- Has created and follows a Personnel Working Regulation that sets the framework through which the company ensures the respect to individual and the promotion of a balanced work and personal life.
Hellenic Aerospace Industry is against all forms of corruption (bribery, money laundering etc.) and promotes through a number of initiatives the fundamental values, e.g. integrity, honesty, consistency, responsibility, ethics, justice etc.
In particular, the company:
- Has created and follows a Code of Ethics and Business Conduct. The Code is a concise source of guidance for operational behavior and sets clearly the minimum framework of rules within which employees perform their official duties in a lawful conduct unaffected by extra-institutional interventions.
In other words, it regulates the business and trading activities with company customers and suppliers as well as with society and the environment. The Code of Ethics and Business Conduct is further specified and/or complemented by Management Policy Directives (M.P.D.s) , Standard Procedures and Instructions (S.P.I.s), Directorate Operating Instructions (D.O.I.s ), other regulations and company documents which cover in detailed analysis the following issues:- Compliance with the Laws
- Protection of Assets
- Reliability of Information – Internal Audits
- Using the Media
- Confidentiality of Information
- Use of Computer Software
- Employment
- Conflict of Interest
- Transactions with customers
- Transactions with Suppliers
- Transactions with Competitors
- Sponsorship policy
- Corporate Social Responsibility
- Protection of the Environment
- Bribery and Corruption
- Relationship with Media
- Has signed the statement of adherence to ASD (Aerospace and Defense Industrial Association of Europe) Common Industry Standards (CIS) recognizing as reflecting good industry practices and has committed itself to take all steps necessary to implement them in the Organization. To this end, the company has appointed an Ethics Compliance Officer.
- Βrings to public notice important aspects of its everyday business activity by a) uploading to HAI’s official website important information such as requests for tender and b) implementing the «Cl@rity» program. Cl@rity is one of the major transparency initiatives of the Greek Ministry of the Interior, Decentralization and e-Government. The program introduces the obligation to publish all the decisions on the Internet, with the exception of decisions that contain sensitive personal data and/or information on national security. The decisions of the public entities cannot be implemented if they are not uploaded on the Clarity website. The use of Internet guarantees wide publicity and access to information, progressively contributing to a culture change in the whole of the Public Administration.
- Ηas become member of TRACE International Inc., a high-status non-profit membership association that pools resources to provide practical and cost-effective anti-bribery compliance solutions for multinational companies and their commercial intermediaries (sales agents and representatives, consultants, distributors, suppliers, etc.). TRACE has successfully completed a TRACE Standard due diligence review of HAI and has granted Hellenic Aerospace Industry S.A. a certificate of membership signifying the company’s commitment to transparency in international commercial transactions.