Process-centric Environment

Process Centric Approach – Customer Satisfaction – Competitive Advantage

workplaceIt is the policy of the Hellenic Aerospace Industry to function in a manner that:

  • It is a strategically managed company,
  • In a process-centric operating environment,
  • With innate activation of continual improvement.

This policy aims at retainable growth which serves the needs of the present and at the same time safeguards the future.

In support of the above and conforming to the requirements of its customers as well the standards per which the company is certified, the Hellenic Aerospace Industry:

  • Designs and aligns business activities to the company Vision and Strategy,
  • Functions within its Business Process Framework which defines the company processes,
  • Monitors process efficiency and effectiveness against the set strategic goals, using the Balanced Scorecard – B.Sc. philosophy,
  • Applies continual improvement methodologies – Six Sigma and its individual tools, Benchmarking, Lean, Action Workout, 5S, Risk Assessment, Root Cause Analysis, etc.
  • Ensures the quality of its products and services based on its Quality Management System.